Friday, September 20, 2019

The final fledgling has a job!

Hi Folks!

Paul and I are still living in the UK, but I am currently in Huntsville, Alabama, helping our son Mac choose an apartment. He's accepted a position here in Huntsville so it's time to relocate. The commute from Auburn would be killer!!

We've found a place, just waiting to sign and pick up the keys and then we'll use this weekend to move him and all his belongings from his place down in Auburn to his new, first time without a roommate apartment here in Huntsville.

He's pretty stoked about not having a roommate for the first time. Being able to cook and clean on his own schedule is going to be pretty amazing for him.

In the meantime, Kendra (oldest daughter) turns 31 today. How did I end up with a 31 year old child?  It just doesn't seem all that long ago she was waving bye bye as she pushed her toy ahead of me. And now she has two of her own. Mercedes is 3 and Caspian is 9 months old. OH... She and her husband have bought their first home. So much change in the last year. All good change, but change none the less.

I am 5 classes shy of my BSN. Working international studies and nutrition this session, next session it will be intro to philosophy, and then after the first of the year, my last two nursing classes. So close to the end!